Are you walking in shoes too small? Do your memories include those days when shoes were too small, clothes were too tight or the trend and rage just didn’t take you into account? Life lessons come through our life stories. These stories often disappear from memory when we do not allow time of remembrance. These…Read More
A song came on the radio. It spoke to my heart… “Losing my Religion”. Most believers were provided a religion by their parents or family. Some adopted religion through friendships. Some people use their religion like an escape hatch to get away from something such as a habit, bad behavior or a routine that is…Read More
What a day. Another one of those days when the question in my head is “Why continue?” I am going to take a stab at breaking through what is happening. The question stems from: When everything presented, in a compacted way, appears stacked against me When I make an effort to understand and even my…Read More
Is there such a thing as a finale that’s never complete? I think there is. It comes when a relationship is broken or wrecked or terminated, but the person does not die or perhaps the person physically moves and there remains a place-setting in one’s mind’s eye. It comes when break-ups happen, yet when the…Read More
I bought roses recently and the thorns were cut-off. I questioned the store clerk about the roses. She hadn’t noticed. I asked if I could get roses with thorns. She said that was impossible because the roses arrived at the store like this. No special orders are available. My purpose for the roses was to…Read More
Have you ever felt your body vibrate? I mean something like a buzzing of a bee or that you can feel the answer to the question— “what’s all the buzz about?” But the difference is you not only know the answer, you know why. Stay with me in this: Imagine…You have been prepared with the…Read More
This may be one of the most difficult articles to write. I say that because it effects many areas of my life. We all have our month or maybe months where anniversaries, birthdays, special or specific memorable events happen and happened. May is mine. Though determined to write, I pondered and played with what to…Read More
Ol’ D – This is how Dad signed his name. I knew him as “Dear Old Dad” or just “Dad”. He has a strong place-setting in my heart, but the mark he had on the world, even my world, was not too deep or too broad. Dad’s acceptance of his role on this earth was…Read More
My life depends on relationships, but it also relies on structure. I need a place to live, but not just a couch to crash on. I need a safe place where I can launch each day without the worry or concerns that my stuff will disappear or that I will be physically harmed. I need…Read More
“Tis the season”. I learned about seasons by living in them and planning for them. Seasons are topics to complain about, yet commonly used to strike up a conversation. Seasons were attached to holidays and structures of time such as New Years—winter, Easter—spring, 4th of July—summer, Halloween—fall. Then there was the school calendar that needed…Read More