God Allows Mulligans

Do you ever wish for a “do-over”?  For you golfers:  how many mulligans have you requested?  For actors:  have you ever wanted one more dress rehearsal?  For athletics:  would one more extended practice have helped?    Regrets surface without plans or preparation.  When they arrive, regrets can never be erased.  Ugg!  So, let us talk about…
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What Does Time Management & Spirituality Have in Common

Have you ever wondered in the midst of life’s whirlwind of To Do Lists and planned scheduled events…what about me?  Have you ever looked around in a daze, startled by the daily routine even though nothing appears new, but your senses are over-powered and over-run by what seems endless and worthless?  Have you ever felt…
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The Key to a Successful Marriage: Consistent Commitment

I wonder about my commitments.  Are they what they should be?  Do my commitments make a barrier in my life?  If I had less of them, would my life be more of what it should be or somehow would it be more than what it is?  Let me share one commitment that changed the course…
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The Clinician in the Mirror

What is so important about knowing who I am?  What difference does it make if I know who I am as long as everyone I come in contact with knows me?  Well, I believe this is where I was stuck for most of my life.  I believe it was in this framework I found myself…
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Counseling in an Ever Changing World

Picture this.  I have five baby pictures.  That’s all.  There are a few more pictures of me as a young child and teenager.  I have all my school pictures which provide a good developmental timeline.  I was never a fashion queen or stood out in a crowd.  In adulthood, there are enough pictures with me…
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Don’t let your imagination be “the end of the road”

Setbacks are merely setups.  Being brushed off is the time to begin brushing up.  God has a plan.  Many have heard this before.  I’m not proclaiming something new or stunning or miraculously marvelous.  But it could be… because only God knows.  Oops, there I go.  I am not here to convince you or make any…
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Does Anybody Really Care…Should You?

I thought I would try again.  I set out to write notes for a possible group that identifies topics of human condition.  I want to return to normal topics and themes which influence questions which are common to those who seek meaning and purpose for their life.  I want to provide some basic material that…
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What is an Experiential Learner? It is never too late to discover

Have you ever been speechless or only able to speak in phrases rather than whole sentences?  Have you ever been without words that effectively express whatever you want to communicate or at a loss for words altogether?  This happens to me more than I would like to admit.  Words have their way of escaping me…
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Stoicism: Lost Opportunities

Do you consider yourself stoic?  I run into this stance far more often than I ever anticipated.  My understanding of stoicism connected to bravery and heroism.  Stoicism is a point of stance and conduct which holds back emotions while appearing indifferent to pain or pleasure.  There are many examples of difficult circumstances I could come…
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Be Okay – Without Being Okay

I believe life is a privilege and should be lived as one.   Attitude is everything, or so I’ve heard.  Intention comes through attitude.  Action is the result.  Hmm… is that the appropriate path?  This pathway can be adventurous.  That is what I believed until I reflected on my shortcomings and on the profound influences that…
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